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Design skill: How to enhance the attractiveness of packaging

  • source:
  • Time:11/10/2023
When people walk into the mall or enter keywords to search for products on the website, many products will be displayed in front of consumers. Different products have different packaging. Packaging design is not only an art, it is also a marketing tool. Excellent packaging design can effectively promote sales.
Faced with a dazzling array of products, consumers pay very little attention to each product. How to effectively attract consumers' attention is a challenge for product marketing experts and designers. To achieve this goal, packaging designers often use visual elements such as shapes, colors, graphics, and text to display the cultural connotation and information of products and brands.

Attractive colors

When people observe an object, the first thing they see is the color on the surface of the object. From a visual perspective, color is more attractive than black. Bright colors can arouse high excitement in the visual organs, thus enhancing the recognition of packaging.
Bright color means that the color has a strong visual impact. Different colors will bring different visual experiences. For example, red, orange, yellow, and other colors give people a warm and exciting feeling. People call this series of colors warm colors. Blue, green, cyan, and other colors give people a cold and calm feeling, so people call this series of colors cold colors.
Color contrast can be achieved through many aspects such as light and dark, cool and warm colors, area size, distance, etc. It is necessary to try different styles of color matching to create bright colors ultimately.
It should be noted that when designing packaging color matching, needs to be consistent with the visual image of the brand. Taking the color of the brand as the leading factor and supplementing it with the color that highlights the personality of the product, consumers can identify the brand at a glance and further deepen consumers' awareness of the brand.

Interesting graphics

Graphics and color are both effective visual languages that can convey information intuitively to consumers.
People are accustomed to perceiving and remembering things with specific images. Specific images bring strong visual impact and leave deep memories for consumers. Photography is the most direct and effective means of conveying product information. For example: Food pictures on food packaging always look attractive and can arouse people's impulse to buy.
As a packaging design trend in recent years, illustrations have become more and more popular. When designers design packaging, they create interesting and vivid illustrations from ordinary graphics. This type of packaging is more attractive in appearance and is especially favored by young consumer groups.

Unique shape

People are always curious about packaging with unique shapes and materials. To create novel shapes not only requires designers to have bold imagination, but also tests their familiarity with packaging materials and processes. Designers must have innovative thinking, try to use new materials and environmentally friendly materials, and get rid of traditional design thinking for packaging design.
Unusual packaging shapes can make products more attractive, but making such packaging is not an easy task. Packaging requires multiple links from design to development and production, involving design, technology and other elements. Conventional packaging forms include simplified, cube, polygon, etc. On the premise of meeting the main functions of the packaging, designers can adjust the structure, size, and curvature of the packaging to increase its interest.
Enhancing the attractiveness of packaging is a diversified process that requires designers to comprehensively use elements such as color, graphics, shapes, and text to create packaging that is both beautiful and practical. Through continuous innovation and experimentation, designers can create a unique image for the brand and give new life to the product, thereby standing out in the fierce market competition.

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