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Handbags are used to hold items and are cheaper containers. Paper bags are commonly used in most industries.They are usually used by custom paper box manufacturers to hold products especially when sending gifts to others; there are still many fashionable Westerners who use paper bag as a handbag, due to the low price and variety of styles, it can be a good reflection of the user's personality, the mood at the time, can match with other decorations, so more and more loved by young people.
Paper shopping bags from printing and using, are not only for the convenience of shoppers, but also to take the opportunity to sell the product or brand again. A well-designed paper bag will make people love it. What’s more if the bag is printed with an eye-catching trademark or advertising, customers will be happy to use it again. This type of custom paper bag has become one of the most efficient and inexpensive advertising media at the moment.
Today we will discuss some custom paper bags for wine bottle packaging made by our factory.
This style of wine bags made of thicker cardboard paper with die cut patch handle, no ropes needed. From the outside, it looks like a wine paper box which can pack the wine bottle directly without any other packaging.You can make a window to show its wine inside or not.This wine bags are easy to carry, usually used in some wholesale wine shops.So if you want to customize some design or brand on it,you can find a paper bags factory online.
This style of paper gift bag is used for luxury wine box packaging.The logo and design are matched with the wine paper box packed inside. It is made of smooth art paper from 250-400gsm with silver embossed logo and PP rope handle.Paper bags design generally requires simplicity and generosity. In the printing process of the bags, the company’s logo and company name are mainly used, or in addition to the company’s business philosophy or website, it should not be too complex in design, which can deepen consumers’ impressions on the company or products and achieve good publicity. Paper bag printing has a great effect on expanding sales, establishing brand names, and stimulating purchases to enhance competitiveness.
There are also many other paper bags for wine bottle packaging as well,such as double wine bottle gift bags. In a word, your paper bags design should reflect the unique characteristics of the company.